Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My not-so-mild obsession

I am completely obsessed with back wrap dress styles at the moment. You know, one that wraps from behind and the ties create a belt? Totally cool in my opinion.

This obsession started when I realised that the Collette Crepe pattern was a back-wrap dress (Yes - I am a little slow with these things sometimes and I don't think the line drawing for this pattern is very clear).  With Collette patterns recently being 20% off through the Sew Weekly, I almost purchased this and a couple of other patterns (to make shipping worthwhile) at least half a dozen times.

The one thing stopping me, is my body shape. I knew there would be stack of modifications to make those patterns fit my 'straight up and down' figure. Unfortunately, possibly too many to make the premium pattern cost worthwhile.

I toyed with drafting a wrap dress myself. I know I can, but it takes time and believe it or not, I can be a little lazy at times. Then I stumbled on this blog via Sew Retro, which showed an awesome 1960's back wrap dress pattern, Simplicity 4986.

Now I want this pattern, but as I couldn't find this particular pattern, I have found and settled on these two.

Pretty cute huh?? I like that I can make sleeves with one and the other has a lovely shoulder cap shape.

I have my fabric, courtesy of some PlayPal money that was seriously burning a hole in my pocket.
Some lovely Liberty, the darker print is Tatum, which you can buy via Tessuti, but I got from Ebay and another called Emilia's flower, which I think may become a Tova (These are not the links to where I purchased this fabric, just where I found online).

So, I'm almost ready to begin sewing, I just need to get some lining fabric and wait for the postman to deliver the patterns..... hopefully soon!


  1. I'm sure with that fabric and your skills they will look gorgeous. I find it's hard to find wrap dresses in the shops these days (at least in our small country town) but they are such a great versatile and flattering piece to have.

  2. Mighty cute. I'll be back for oohing and aahing and general bewilderment at the skills required for mixy matchy patterning and drafting (and the ability to sew stuff that looks fabulous). I'm back to the knitting then...

  3. I love the Tatum print - it would look gorgeous as a wrap dress. Am eager to see it made up!

    Was the liberty fabric cheaper on ebay than at Tessuti? Such expensive fabric... I'd love to be able to find it a wee bit cheaper.


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