Friday, February 25, 2011

Stashbustin'- Burda 02/2011 Dress with A-line skirt and sleeves

Talk about impulse sewing!! Even with a number of projects on my 'to do' list, I choose to impulse sew on my last childcare day before uni begins next week. The frock is this one from the Burda website. It was included in a marketing email from Burda on Wednesday. So on Thursday, I purchased, printed and made it - this is it.
I LOVE it! In fact, I love it so much, that if I could marry it, I would!

My husband even said "wow" when I showed him. His response to almost everything I make myself is, "that's nice". To which I say, "honey, look closer. This is really hard to do!". He never really cares, so I'm quite happy with his response for a change.
I LOVE the scoop neck on this dress. I LOVE the little sleeves and I LOVE that the skirt has just the right amount of gathers, not so full that it makes you feel self conscious.
The fabric is a lightweight, textured cotton. It has subtle, almost embroidered looking stripes on it. I actually didn't quite have enough fabric for the dress, so I hacked into an old frock that I'd made with this fabric last year, but had only worn a few times. I think it's definitely a wise choice. I love this dress soooooo much more than the other.
I love that I can wear this with a belt or without. I think given my belt obsession, I really need to build my collection. Must head off to the op-shop again....
I think I'll definitely be making this baby again. There is a little bit of a gape in the neck of this frock, which is possibly because the size of the bodice was a little big from the beginning. I made the smallest size that the pattern came in, but I think next time I'll take in the centre front bodice by about half an inch. This will also help the arm holes, as they currently sit a little too snug on the front of my arm because the bodice is too big.
As you can see I also choose to insert and invisible zipper at the back, rather than the side. I always have to adjust the back of garments, so this just makes it easier to fit at the end and I don't think it looks bad at all.

So there, one less piece of fabric in my stash. Unfortunately, I accidentally added another three yesterday - whoops!


  1. Wow, I love this dress. I think I might have to give it a crack!

  2. love it Christy. Looks great with the pop of red from the belt!

  3. i love this! so cute! you are so incredibly talented! i purchased a couple simplicity patterns last friday. I cant wait to try them out!

  4. Love it! It looks fab on you. When I saw this dress in the burda preview, I was so excited to make it, and then I saw it was a petite :( , I'm 5'8" and I was just wondering if you could add some comments on how yours fit.

  5. Hey, love the dress. The scoop neckline and little cap sleeves are really flattering and cute.

  6. wow i love it - that style is so what i go for!! well done, enjoy wearing it.

  7. You did such a lovely job! I haven't had the guts to sew for myself yet-- only the kids. I saw this Burda pattern, too, and bookmarked it. You've inspired me to give it a try!


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