Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Creative Space - the Pendrell Blouse

This is the second week in a row that I'm showing off a new garment for My Creative Space. Next week university begins, so I don't think this will happen again for a while.

The Pendrell blouse has been popping up in blogland for a while now, since it's release last year. I initially didn't think I would sew this pattern as it calls for quite drapey and slinky fabrics, charmeuse, chiffon, Georgette, crepe de chine, etc. Funnily, I don't wear a lot of these fabrics when I'm hanging around with the kids at home.... Then Tasia mentioned voile and lawn would also be suitable, so I asked my sister to bring the pattern over with her when she visited recently.

Here's my version - which is a variation of view B.
As you can see it is a little different from the proper view B, which has two ruffles. I tried to make the second, sleeve ruffle, but it really didn't sit nicely.
Look at that bad boy! It really sticks out! Clearly, the lack of drape in this voile, does impact the blouse design. You really do need a very drapey fabric to make version B and I suspect version A.
I do like this top all the same, but I am a little concerned about the 80's vibe from it. The only reason why I relate this to an '80's vibe' is because I own this vintage pattern from the 80's. Everything old is new again right?
The fit of this blouse is nice, though the head hole could be a little bigger. I don't have a big noggin', so you may want to check this part of the fit if you do. Thankfully, as the binding slips under the blouse, it would be quite easy to modify the neck.
Nevertheless, I think I will make this again. I'll just hunt for some more suitable fabric.

Pattern review is here.

For more creative spaces, you know where to go....


  1. That's so lovely. What a great pattern and your fabric choice is exactly what I would choose (assuming that I preferred it over all the other choices you had, of course... but you know what I mean!!). x

  2. One of these days I have to make that Pendrell blouse, very nice. But I had to laugh when I saw the 80's pattern. I know I made that back in the day, 2 times!
    once in white eyelet, and a holiday version in red plaid taffeta. Oh I love a ruffle.

  3. I love the fabric and the blouse- well done!


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