Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kids Clothes Week Day 2: Adapting bloomers

I'm on uni holidays at the moment, so I'm enjoying a bit of a sewing binge. With my kids in daycare on Tuesday and Wednesdays, I've managed to sew all day yesterday and plan to sew pretty much all day today. Hooray!

I've been playing around with some patterns that I own. In particular the Bettsy Kingston Ruffle Baby Pants pattern and have made these two adorable outfits for Miss Adele.

A very sweet sunsuit, complete with snaps to help with nappy changing.

And this adorable double sided skirt with bloomers

I've enjoyed making these so much and had so much time on my hands with a whole kid-free day yesterday that I've pulled together a tutorial so that you too can make these two items with your Bettsy Kingston pattern.

Are you interested? Do you want me to post it for ya??


  1. LOve the little jumpsuit so cute. You are clever.

  2. Can't say I can use the tutorial, but all your sewing is actually inspiring me to BUY A SEWING MACHINE. Any tips for a first timer? Should I avoid computer type ones? What the hell is a horizontal bobbin?

  3. Way to go Christy,both items are too too cute for words.

    Doesn't hurt that the model is also adorable!


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