Saturday, September 18, 2010

Baby wrap dress

A little while ago I drafted a basic wrap dress pattern to make for Adele. I spied these ones on Etsy and fell in love, but being a sewer myself, I can't bring myself to buy things I can make. So I 'took inspiration'** and made my own with some lovely Japanese Cosmo Textiles fabric.

I bound this dress with commercial bias tape, which actually costs a fortune ($2.99 per meter!), but I had it in my mind that it NEEDED to be made with this particular colour stripe tape so went ahead and purchased it.

People who know me, would know about my dislike for the colour green and no doubt, would be quite amazed that I would even consder buying this fabric, let alone make a dress for Adele with it. I don't know what's happening with  my colour taste right now, but there is a little green creeping in. I think that the pink binding contrasts and compliments the green making this dress and this fabric so super sweet for a little girl. It's girly,  but not pink.

I really just adore this dress (and my adorable model). I love the little rabbits, squirrels and deer on the fabric. It's a little big (as usual) but should fit wonderfully for summer. I think also being a wrap dress, it should fit into next year too, but probably as a wrap top.

** I 'take inspiration' from many things on the net and then go about making them myself. I kinda feel guilty about it sometimes. Like here, I've really copied this girl's concept and I do feel a little guilty. I figure though, that I can make whatever I want for my own family and friends, and so long as I'm not selling it, it's OK. What do you think? Is it OK to copy things like this for personal use only?


  1. Yes, if it's for your family and friends I think it's perfectly alright....she probably took her inspiration from somewhere else too...everything has been done before!!

  2. Of course it's alright!! You're not doing anything commercial with it anyway. Love the dress and the fabric. Please, please give me a copy of that pattern as I want to start making them too! Already started looking for fabric for summer projects and this is definitely on the to-do list, even if it will be too big for Scarlett this summer but it's the best present for my Great Niece who is 1 in Jan.

  3. You've done a brilliant job, that little ruffle sleeve is one of my favourites as well. I love the curved hem.

  4. No rain on the parade intended --- but you might consider that the girl you copied from likely has a story similar to yours: "It has been a long road to get to this one, with many, many prototypes along the way." It's possible she was inspired by something else somewhere else, but whether she copied or not shouldn't have a bearing on doing what is right.

    That said, I struggle, too, with the 'copy' idea. I love to quilt and there's TONS of 'inspiration' on Flickr and blogs. Where I get frustrated is when people claim rights to 'new' patterns that really are modern takes on vintage (and sometimes classic!) patterns. They claim exclusivity for 'their' pattern...which is nothing more than a spin on someone else's idea from a time before. How is that ethical? I'm convinced there's only so many ways you can combine squares and rectangles and circles. If I were to come up with a creative/inventive way to shortcut block construction, then I think that shows ingeunity and there are intellectual property rights to be considered. But the pattern itself, ehhh...

  5. Forgot my p.s. -- I meant to add that I appreciated you giving credit to another designer for her work. You documented well where your inspiration came from, and were proactive in drafting your own patterns and ideas first. That speaks a lot for intent and to me, says a lot about who you are. My comment on "doing what is right" was more in reference to the concept of it being ok to copy because somebody else probably copied it from somewhere else anyhow. I don't agree with that line of thinking...


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