My case can be presented with photographs of the WIPs or UFOs lying around my sewing room. I'm not even sure this is all of them, just the really visible ones.
1. Denim Beignet skirt
Details: This project has been in this state for well over a month now. It was a little too large around the hips and I needed to buy buttons.
To do: Sew buttons, button holes, hem and create and affix belt carriers
When: Hopefully I'll knock this one over tomorrow, so I can wear it to the Quilt Fair with mum on Thursday (yay! fun shopping day with mum!!)
2. Anthropologie inspired cushion cover
Details: I was inspired to make this project way back in April and drafted the applique design not long after. I originally intended to offer a free bloggy tutorial, but now I can't really be bothered. Let me know if you really want it and I may find the time. I have piping fabric already cut and just need to finish.
To do: Affix binding, cushion back and insert cushion
When: Hopefully in the next week. I'll really try, there's no reason why this should take long.
3. Vintage Simplicity 5024 -Back wrap dress
Details: I've already admitted I'm not a super hero over this project and maybe it was a little silly to think that I could knock it over in a day. I'm not 100% on the bodice so far and have kinda lost my sew-jo a little. But I am determined to finish this.
To do: Cut and sew skirt, finish belt tie and hem sleeves
When: Maybe this will also get done tomorrow or maybe tomorrow night.
4. Liberty Tova
Details: This project stalled originally because I couldn't be bothered changing the thread on my overlocker. Then I did, made the front and back, then diverted my attention to the back wrap dress that I was trying to make for Adele's baptism.
To do: Attach collar, make and set sleeves
When: Hopefully again I'll finish this within the week. Fingers crossed, but seriously, it is winter here and this top is better suited to spring weather.
5. Apron top for Adele
Details: We get a lot of hand-me-down clothes for Adele and some are quite worn. I was hoping she could wear this over the top of some of the yukky tee's we have to smarten them up.
To do: Two buttons and holes - only! Why haven't I done this??
When: I will do this tomorrow. It should only take a few minutes and then I can rid my space of this project. Seriously, what's wrong with me?
6. The super late birthday present for a friend
Details: This friend turned 30 in January. I only suggested I make this for her a few weeks ago, but still haven't progressed further than a muslin for sizing.
To do: Make it all
When: Maybe in the next fortnight? She's on holidays for a week and a half, so maybe just shortly after then.
7. Simplicity 2215
Details: I started making this skirt a while ago, but lost my mojo because it's just not my style. I used a piece of silk dupion (we think) from my mums stash. It's a lovely aqua and purple check. Problem is the fabric doesn't drape at all, because it's silk dupion, so it poofs terribly.
To do: Attach lining (pictured in purple) and hem.
When: Well I feel like it's also far too summery to even look at right now. I also don't really like it and don't think I'll wear it, but all I need to do is attach the lining and hem it. Do I bother? or just dump?? Maybe something will happen and I'll just love it when it's finished. What would you do?
8. 'Knock off' Emmerson Made bell bottoms
Details: I only mentioned these just a short while ago, so I guess I'm happy that I've made a muslin for my design already. Don't you just love that striped drill? I can't believe I thought I could make clothes for the boys from it. This project has stalled as I've been unable to find nice denim to use to make them. Seriously, don't even bother going to Spotlight unless you want denim with printed love hearts on it. I'm hoping to make something wearable from Burda 8/2009 pattern 127. I've re-shaped the leg and am hoping to 'jeanify' them with mock flat felled seams and patch pockets.... we'll see though. This project will be a learning experience.
To do: Fully make
When: Within the next month?? Maybe?? I guess I need to get denim first.
9. Bonnets
Details: These are now thankfully mostly finished. They will hopefully find new homes in a couple of shops this week. I could do with the money on my shopping trip on Thursday.
To do: Clean up and attach tags
When: tomorrow
10. Dreaming about....
These two patterns are just screaming out for my attention. I even have the fabric for both, but need to address this list before I begin these.
So there's my list. I need to focus and address some of these project before I begin new ones. Even though I've spent an hour pulling this list together instead of working on it, now that it's all documented here, I know that I'll actually do something about it.
Isn't that one of the great benefits of blogging? Making public commitments that you then have to uphold?
I would love to see how the last patterns end up. I have the one on the right, I took all my mothers vintage patterns off her hands one visit and they are sitting there waiting for me to get the courage up to make them.
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness! I've just found you via suzy and wow you make a lot of things! I'm impressed and jealous all at the same time. I keep buying crafty stuff but am seriously behind in making things up! let me know if you're ever after more vintage patterns as i have them coming out my ears and won't get to all of them