I had grand plans last week, to complete a few portable crafting projects while away. Naturally, I was on holidays to have fun with the family, not sit and knit or crochet, so I didn't complete as much as I thought I may.
Thankfully, I did knock over a fair bit of knitting. In fact, I knitted the bottom 20 cms (8 inches) of Adele's Darwinia dress.
For a slow knitter like me, this is pretty significant! It's also pretty good considering how hot it was and how B-O-R-I-N-G it was!!! knit, knit, knit, knit, knit, knit, knit, knit, knit, knit - you get the picture right?
There was a lot of chanting in my head, "Must keep knitting, knitting, knitting. Must keep knitting, knitting, knit" - just like Dory from Nemo, except she says 'swimming'. Next is the ruffle and then I probably won't knit anything again for a while. I'm a little over it.
I had anticipated on crocheting my medallions together for my Flowers in the Snow blanket, but well, I went to the beach instead. The only crocheting I did was in the car on the way down the coast and this is it.
This is supposed to be a two year project anyway, so clearly there's no rush.
love the darwinnia dress,its going to be just lovely! The crocheted rug is coming along very nicely too.