Friday, October 15, 2010

Timing is everything

Just when you really need to plan your time, life gets in the way and mixes everything up!

This week I was supposed to be prepping for my prac teaching block which begins next week, but instead I've been caring for sick kiddies, supervising the development of new skills and toilet training - blah!

Ollie has been very, very sick with tonsilitis, which meant he couldn't go to daycare. Adele has been starting to walk, so I've been trailing her most of the week, helping her out of trouble. She has also learnt how to climb up the slippery dip in the backyard, making for quite a few hairy moments. And James decided on Monday that he didn't want to wear a nappy anymore. He wanted to be like Tarzan and wear undies. The kids have been on a bit of a Tarzan thang this past little while. We've watched the Disney Tarzan video quite a few times, which is actaully OK with me. I'm so, so sick of those stupid songs in Toy Story and the Tarzan score is by Phil Collins which is really quite cool.

Anywho, it's been a hectic week, which means it will be a hectic weekend with many late nights trying to catch up on the planning I'm supposed to do.

I will however be updating my shop during the day with some awesome new bonnets. Like this lovely hummingbird bonnet:

And this stunning butterfly bonnet.
It's so, so hard to get photos of my little model and if the dummy makes it happen, then so be it! I'm sure most other mums understand.

They'll be in the shop here and here later today.


  1. Kids, sometimes I think they conspire so that everything happens at once! Love the hummingbird print on your bonnet. It's divine.

  2. My daughter loves her 'everlasting gobstopper', stuff others' judgements it works for us!! Sorry you've had such a hectic week, heres hoping the kids come right and you can give yourself some time and space for a bit of prep.


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