Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Creative Space....

This week my creative space is in a state. The husband decided he was going to paint it and instructed me to 'pack up your crap, I need a clear workspace!". Ummm, NO!

But we did make a compromise. I had to pack most things into my cupboards and only keep one table for machines. All other chairs, racks, etc had to be packed away.

Anywho, the painting tarps and lack of access to my things has meant that creating has been far less enjoyable... boo!!

I did manage though, to sew a failed garment, which is pictured here.
I can't even show you what it looks like when I'm wearing it, because it's too, too bad! It is supposed to be Vogue 8511, which I was hoping to make for an engagement party this Saturday night, but the fabric didn't sew well and the modifications I made to accomodate my shape didn't work. I think I need to go to a pattern alteration course.

To make up for this failure, I made these two sweet little dresses (Butterick B4501 OOP) for two birthdays that are approaching. I wanted to make them wild. I own the book, Sewing Clothes Kids Love, and agree with that whole philosophy of colour mixing for kids clothes. I hope that I successfully picked fabrics that don't fully match, but look good sewn together. Maybe I'm trying to channel my inner Anna Maria Horner and see how I go with picking different colours.
You might recognise some of these fabrics including Bijoux by Heather Bailey, Good Folks by Anna Maria Horner, the main skirt fabric is a Micheal Miller print and the fan fabric is a new one from Tanya Whelan. If you can't wear wild clothes when your a kid, when can you??

Tis all for now, for more creative spaces head over to Kirsty's.....


  1. Sorry about the dress! I have had a few of those disasters myself, the girl's dresses are beautiful though and I am sure they will be loved :-)

  2. The girls dresses look great, the fabrics look fab together.

  3. i feel for you.. we're in the process of setting, resetting, establishing.. our workspaces with my hubby as we both run our businesses from home..
    the girls dresses look fab!! love the fabric combo..

  4. Yep, good job with the print/colour mix. Success.

  5. Great job on the colour combinations for the girls dresses. They look fab!

  6. I love your little girl dresses - I find mixing and matching colours and prints really hard but I like what you've picked.

    I don't know where in Sydney you are, but the pattern making course run by the Sydney Community College in Rozelle is really good. I learnt from that course how to measure myself properly and adjust commercial patterns to fit better. It was a really helpful course!


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