Friday, October 8, 2010

Super retro onesie

This post has been sitting in drafts for so long that it fell off my dashboard and I forgot about it - whoops! I was asked to undertake some patttern testing recently and made this super cool, super retro onesie for Adele.
Benita from Bettsy Kingston, who I think has the best baby bloomers pattern around, drafted this pattern so that you can use some of the many woven fabrics (like quilting cottons) in your stash (I know I'm not the only one with a few bibs and bobs to spare) to make your  little one a cute all-in-one like this.
Benita asked that we didn't use good fabric from our stash, but I didn't want to waste my sewing time making something with ugly fabric, so chose this lovely 70's bedsheet from the Op Shop. I've actually already made myself some PJs with this fabric and gave the rest away in a giveaway. Interestingly, Tracey also stumbled across the same fabric in a quilt that she found recently, but hers was in far more pristine condition.
I also used home made bias binding, which I applied around the edges for a little contrast and also because I had only made 1 inch single fold tape, rather than half inch single fold tape that the pattern asked for.
So there you go - the pattern is available here and imagine the possibilities!! I think I'm also going to give it a go in a stretch fabric, when time permits!

Now a little while ago I did promise a second tutorial using the Bettsy Kingston baby bloomers pattern and I've not forgotten. I have a few more photos to take of my little, very willing, model and then I should be able to post a tutorial so you too can make a retro sunsuit for your babe this summer - yay!


  1. Coolest Onesie EVER. That print is so cool!

  2. OMG! My parents had that sheet when we were kids. It was my favourite - so many patterns to get lost in.
    The onesie looks wonderful. Really really fabulous.

  3. That looks fantastic! How does Adele get around in it? Is it roomy enough not to restrict her movement?


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