Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Creative Space.... bonnets

Today, I'll be batting on a bit about bonnets. You see, I've become a little obsessed with creating a truley wearable bonnet for little Adele for this summer. I figure this will probably be the last summer that I'll have full control over her wardrobe. Next summer, as in the one after this coming one, she'll be well into the terrible twos - aka the 'no' phase.

There's been a lot of trial and error with this creative process. So let me take you for a trip down Bonnet Lane.

Here is where we are at right now.

The bonnet is fully reversible. I made one side with a remmant of Denise Schmidt Hope Valley fabric from this dress and Japanese honeycomb kei fabric in a lovely coral pink on the other side.

The front brim can be rolled up when shade is less of a consideration.  I think the cap could still be tweaked a bit to remove some of the bulk.

It has been a long road to get to this one, with many, many prototypes along the way. Here are a few:

All are reversible. The last one was perfect, just waaay too small. So I gave it to a friend with a newborn baby girl. I'm still waiting for a photo of her wearing it.

There has also been a number of gifted bonnets to analyse.  This one is from an Etsy seller. It's nice, but the cap and the brim are way to generous I think. (This is the only photo I can find of this bonnet. It's clearly a little too big for her here, but the cap and brim never seemed right).

This one was made by my mum and it's so, so sweet. It's based on a commercial pattern, which I thought was Simplicity, but I can't seem to find it online. The problem with this bonnet is that it sits too far back on the babys head which means the brim doesn't shade the face. 

So there you go. A trip down Bonnet Lane. Hopefully my next one will be perfect - otherwise I'll just keep making them until Adele refuses to wear them!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway. I'll be drawing a winner tomorrow morning.

For more creative spaces, head over to Kirsty's...


  1. These bonnets are just beautiful. I love the happy fabrics you have used. Enjoy your summer.

  2. Great bonnets. That is one of the few things I wish I had made for my daughter before she asserted her own dressing preferences. Maybe it is time to bust one out for my niece instead.

  3. I have just sent you photos of Scarlett wearing her lovely bonnet. So sad that it doesn't fit her anymore because she did wear it everywhere. The cord was a great fabric because it was a little warmer than cotten for cooler weather and the colour went with just about everything.

  4. Oh my goodness, that bonnet is simply adorable. Absolutely love the print also.

  5. I love the bonnet... There is a stall at a market here in perth called 'foaldesign' that does adult and child bonnet..., they are pretty lovely too, and do a nice corduroy job for the winter - just so that you can keep this project going all year round...

    I think you have almost nailed it with your current prototype, maybe a little pocket for $1 for the paddlepop??

  6. I've thoroughly enjoyed my trip down Bonnet lane! The end result is entirely cute!!

    PS - I recognise that Happy Baby dummy in that mouth... my 2 year old is having trouble letting hers go... x

  7. Wow you are on a hat thing at the moment aren't you. The bonnet is very sweet, and I loved the boys' hats I think I'll be working on some for Cadel and Hamish soon.

  8. I think the fabric combination and the design of your most recent bonnet is the best! Love it.

  9. this is SO cute !!!
    (and i love them even more when not rolled up)
    my 11 year daughter would certainly not enjoy this anymore, and i miss not having a younger child now that i can sew, crochet & knit (thank you blog world !)


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