Friday, September 24, 2010

Kids Clothes Week - day 3 & 4: Oliver & S projects

I've had an Oliver & S couple of days on the sewing front. A little bit of UFO sewing and a little bit of long planned, long procrastinated sewing.

First up, I finally finished this beautiful Oliver & S Bubble Dress by sewing buttons and a little contrast satin ribbon.
I originally posted this dress earlier this month, but still hadn't finished the buttons and ribbon. Do you find that those small details often take the longest to do???
I just LOVE this dress and I think the scalloped edges are so so worth the extra time. I LOVE the little cap sleeves and the bubble, oh the bubble!! This is the 4th time I've made this dress and I hope to make it again. The ribbon is not in the pattern, I've just hand stitched it on, but I think it really sets off the design, giving a little more definition to the bodice.
The second Oliver & S projects is this lovely Birthday Dress. This project has been on the 'to do' list for about 12 months now!!

I originally purchased this pattern when I first found out Adele was a girl at my 20 week scan. I purchased the Heather Baily fabric as well and traced and cut the pattern. Then it sat there, and sat, and got put away, and forgotten, then pulled out again, then forgotten.......
I figured now was as good a time as any to knock it over and while I'm happy so far with the dress, it's not my best work. You see I skimmed the instructions, didn't mark my fabric where indicated and made a few mistakes early on that have impacted the whole dress look - well in my opinion anyway.

I still need to do some handstitching and attach the buttons, but it'll do.

Next time I make this dress I will pay attention to small details that the good folk at Oliver & S included for a reason!!


  1. Love the dresses and your little girl is so cute!

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