Monday, August 16, 2010

Food fishing

Today was my first day of prac teaching and I'm pleased to report that I'm really quite happy with how it all turned out. I lasted the whole day and didn't once try to run for the door - ha!. My morning was also quite good. I was up and out the door with three dressed and fed kids by 7.15am (yes - a record), which gave me plenty of time to get them to my mums house and myself to school. Hopefully this new found optimism in this career change will make writing my first assignment, which is due this Friday, a little easier.

Anywho, pictured below is the latest spin I've given to healthy snacks and keeping the kids occupied for a period of time. It's called food fishing.

In this house, it's also known as chopped-up-things-on-a-plate, but the key difference is it's all eaten with tongs!!

I think anything eaten with tongs is more fun!


  1. Food fishing... now that's a tops idea! I'll be trying this one out for sure!!

    What's your first assignment on?

  2. This is how they eat fruit at my son's kinder... big platters of fruit in the middle of the table and then each child has some plastic tongs. It is brilliant. We do it at home too now. You're right... it is so much fun.

  3. Congrats on your first prac day! Food fishing is an awesome idea... I think I prefer surprise sandwiches though.


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