Monday, August 8, 2011

This little corner of my house...

I know most of you are here for the sewing, but I blog for other reasons too. I feel like my house is in disarray since we played musical rooms. While the house is generally clean, it is currently untidy and things are not in the best place.

I adore seeing beautiful rooms on blogs. I love those styled rooms with cool furniture, artwork and storage, but I think having three little kids is no always conducive to having those cool spaces.

I feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that needs to be done around here and that's not just the stuff that the husband needs to do, building and fixing stuff, but the smaller things that will hopefully make this house a little prettier. So, to get it done I'm going to document it here. Each week I'll finish one little corner of my house, cleaning, organising, prettying and generally making this a nicer place to be.

First up, the wall behind the dining area.
BTW - photography has never been my strong point and that isn't likely to change :)

This functional corner now boasts a clean blind and window (such a pain to clean!), the picture wire (from Ikea if you want to know) no longer holds Easter and Christmas pictures and is a little cuter thanks to some new novelty pegs from Typo shop (I love this shop!).

My children are now talking about the new letters above the window, but I am still to see any improvement in their eating at meal times. Does anyone else have any better suggestions for getting kids to eat?
I've finally hung this cute little picture that I picked up from Scarlett Beautiful on Etsy . It's been in a frame for a year and has only now been hung - yikes!
So there's one little corner of my house. More will follow, probably each Monday, and little by little, this house will *hopefully* become a little nicer.

I wonder how many of you are still reading?


  1. That looks great and I'm sure that you'd be the only one thinking about what needed to be done.

  2. That looks great, but I think you should show us the before shots as well, so that we can truly appreciate your efforts!

  3. I started doing this very thing last week. Maybe we should share shots! I can completely relate to your situation. With three small children things get neglected and then you don't even notice them the vase full of dead flowers that's been sitting there for months. Or the pot with the dead plant in it that's been sitting there for years!


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