Monday, August 15, 2011

Sewing Jeans. Take 2

After making three fitting toiles for my first pair of jeans, I really felt like I needed to utilize that work once more to get better value from my time.
While I've had some trouble finding nice denim recently, a trip to My Hung in Hurstville resulted in this lovely blue denim finding its way home with me. Unlike the stretch stuff I used last time, this is 100% cotton and I'd say a mid-weight denim. It feels like it has a bit of give, but definitely no stretch.
These jeans are nicer than my first pair. The waistband is lovely and the fit is also quite good. I thought because I was using non-stretch denim that I'd have to add to the hip and waist of the jeans to make them fit, but ended up removing all that I added during construction.
I based these jean on Burda pattern 127 from 8/2009. I modified the leg, the rise and the pockets, which is why I originally needed three toiles.
Like my last pair these are supposed to be more trouser jeans with a bit of a 70's vibe, than jeans jeans. I am totally inspired by jeans like this, this and this. In particular, the pockets from these jeans have inspired my own.

After wearing these last night, I realised that I may have hemmed them slightly too short, but I did take a deeper hem just in case. I might wash and dry them a few times before I fix the hem.

The good thing about these jeans is the total cost:
1.5 meters of denim - $12 less 10% discount
Jeans zipper - 20c from the Op Shop
Button - from stash
Black top stitching thread - left over from first jeans
Pattern - free from the library
Total cost: $16.40 - Yeah!

I'm really struggling to take photos at the moment. I feel like I've lost all my inside locations and shooting outside isn't working for me and the dog kept knocking my camera over and I'm worried about what the neighbours will think if they see me. Out of 12 self timed photos only two are in focus.
And I don't know what happened to this one.
The good thing is my photography is so appalling that hopefully it can only get better. Maybe I'll just blame the camera.


  1. Wow! You are so clever to make your own jeans. And they are such a great cut. This shape is the most flattering fit on me too. I'm so glad this look is coming back after seasons and seasons of skinny jeans. Which I could never wear. Love the pockets too.

  2. Great jeans! So satisfying to make a pair like your inspiration ones. I love non-stretch jeans that fit perfectly.

  3. Lovely jeans! Am such an amateur that making something so adventurous is way off. Love the top too - is this one you made too and if so what pattern did you use? Have been inspired to track down a New Look 6775 pattern that you have used as loved your photos/review of this - its coming from USA via ebay to the UK as not available here.


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