Sunday, August 21, 2011

Not sewing, shopping.

This weekend my husband has been away snow boarding, so I've been a single mum to three kids under 4 and I'm tired!

There hasn't been much sewing to show of late. I have three wadders that have appeared in my sewing room, a half finished, not-so-great dress and a pair of pants cut and waiting for attention.

While I haven't been sewing, there has been a lot of dreaming about sewing and a little online shopping. This past week I may have pre-ordered a book that I'm quite excited about, The Colette Sewing Handbook.
It should arrive towards the end of the university semester, which is when I'll probably have time to use it.

With prac teaching starting tomorrow and a number of assignments to attend to, this blog may be a little neglected for a few weeks. I have a few half finished posts in my drafts, but am struggling to find the time to take the photos. Sometimes I do feel pressure to keep my output high because of my blog and with so much on  my plate for the next little while, I really need to prioritize my time.

I'll be back from time to time, hopefully to show some successful projects, but just not every day.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Enjoy your prac :-)

  2. Have fun in your prac!

    I've had a few wadders of late. They're very disheartening :(

    I've been eyeballing this book too. Actually, there are a couple but this one looks really good. I just have trouble buying things I can't see and touch.... Very tactile (Maybe I'm still a baby on the inside Lol)

  3. Be gentle on you. Have fun at prac. Your blog will always be here. Wishing you well.

  4. Thanks for the review. I'll have to check this book out on Amazon.

  5. Best of luck with your teaching prac! How lucky to get your first choice of location... it was meant to be!
    (and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my skirt, I hope you post pictures of yours when you make it!)

  6. Good luck with the prac... and that looks like a well deserved treat for yourself at the end of the term. Mmm... me thinks I might pre-order that book too. Great price for 5 patterns + book.


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