Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's a disease

Rachel always says that sewing, and it's 'spendy' cousin, stashing, is like a disease. Even though I don't need anything, I still found myself at Spotlight today, with three kids in tow, to take advantage of their 40% off fabric sale. I walked away with a healthy pile of fabric to add to my ever-growing stash. It's so hard to fight it!
In addition to two stretch sateens that I've been eyeing off for a while (second and third bottom), I also now have two knits to experiment with (top two), some rayon that I may have already been playing with (third from top) and some black twill and gaberdine for various pants and skirts that I've been toying with making.

I really must get to the machine. I'm still waiting for the husband to move it and the rest of my sewing supplies into my new space after all the room shuffling that's been happening around here.

Have you been tempted by the Spotlight or Lincraft sales recently?? Please tell me it's not just me!


  1. I'm gagging to get to that spotlight sale! How much fabric do you buy when stashing with nothing particular in mind... I've been going for 1.5 metres, but wonder what other people do?

  2. How can it be - I didn't know about that sale! Aargh - maybe it was just NSW....anyway, today I've been stocking up on amazing yarns at the Quilt and Craft fair - I bought some beautiful things! And a Bernette sewing machine for my 8 year old (gulp).
    You've been doing such great sewing lately! Very inspirational and I look forward to seeing what becomes of your knits in particular.
    And I usually buy 2.5 metres when I'm stashing....

  3. I have your disease too & if you ever get cured, infection from a contageous friend happens easily. I've hit the 15% off Lincraft, then it's evil aftermath 50% off version just last week, so great for plains & linings, it's brilliant. I couldn't get to Spotlight, it's in NSW & i live on the other side of the ACT, so even 40% off couldn't draw me in. That said, my husband was in Spotlight in QLD (buying a cheap quilt to take to war, as you do) & i asked him to acost anyone in the yarn area for ideas & just surprise me. Apparently i made him confused & he could no longer work out what quilt he wanted anymore. Those fabrics sales are cruel mistresses, love Posie

  4. Hi Cateoh. You have a no-reply blogger account so can't respond personally to you. In response to your question. I try to never buy without some sort of project in mind. Even if it’s a loose idea. Whether the project happens or not is another thing. I sent this to a friend the other day:

    Fabric guidelines: 2.5 for a full dress. 2 for a slim dress. 1.2 for A line skirt. 1.5 for full skirt. 1.2 – 1.5 for a top. 1.5 – 1.8 for a top with sleeves.

    I’m notoriously tight with my buying though. I like the challenge of trying to make something fit when it doesn’t. Mostly I can get away with smaller amounts, but sometimes I get caught out and can’t make something I want to.

    Happy shopping!

  5. I am avoiding Spotlight after buying a number of patterns this week (Simplicity sale.... Love!) but Lincraft had 50% off fabric and patterns and I am weak. I did have my eye on that rayon you bought as well as a Japanese tana lawn in navy.... But I must desist until I sew at least some of what I have!

    I always have a project in mind and I take pictures of my patterns with my phone so I always have the requirements on me. Easier than remembering!

    BTW, I made some of your fingerless gloves for my step daughter and she loves them! They are good for school because she can still write and type ;)

  6. Oh yeah, I think I did it correctly but I put a link to your blog in my last entry when I showed the finished gloves.... I'm not sure of "professional" protocol but I just finished my degree and am very sure what plagiarism is! Hope this is cool!

  7. I dropped $110.00 quite easily on Friday even with two whingy kids in tow. I totally agree - it is a disease. I know I dont need any more, but it is all so lovely. Plus - when it is 40% off already and then they give you an extra 10% coupon, there is no point in trying to resist.

  8. Thanks!
    I didn't realise that about my blogger account, will fix it!
    I've transferred your advice into my phone notes so I'll always have a guide. I also am very tight with my pattern lay out- I can't stand waste, and so am often doing hems and facings out of another fabric! It makes cutting a bit of a headache sometimes, but I think it's worth it

  9. I have been resisting because I don't need anything and I think it's pretty rude that they didn't have the sale when I was last there and indulged in Denise Schmidt...not happy spotlight...and I figure I have to be good after buying 6m of Liberty! I am now in fabric lockdown!


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