Saturday, June 25, 2011

This Just In: Bonnets Are Back!

How could I have failed to blog about Gina's lovely new bonnet for baby Susannah? Serious issues focussing - that's me.
Gina kindly offered to review my new bonnet pattern. Her sew-jo (don't you just love that corny term??) had been missing for some time. Possibly due to the arrival of her little girl, but I couldn't say that for sure... I mean, life with three kids, including one newborn, leaves plenty of time for sewing - right?

Anyway, I believe the new bonnet pattern got two thumbs up from Gina and Susannah, or possibly a 10 out of 10.
Check out her post here and check out those stunning blue eyes on her friend's wee babe.

You can get your pattern here, or feel free to pick a finished bonnet and I'll make it up just for you!

Happy Saturday!

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