These jeans from Emerson Made.
Seriously, these are so cool it hurts! Naturally they are out of my budget, but I'm thinking of making some. I've already made a muslin with a Burda magazine pattern (I'll tell you which one later) and I have been learning online about flat felled seams and mock flat felled seams. Hopefully I'll have something to show soon.
This cool pattern by the Red Thread.
I purchased this at Sew It Together and had forgotten all about it until last week when a friend asked about it. I really must make these for the boys, they are sooooo in to super heros right now.
Speaking of super heros, I also really want to get this from Spoonflower for the boys.
And then there's this lovely fabric from Tessuti.
It's just so sweet, but why am I dreaming about summer dress sewing when we're only two weeks into winter?
Tis enough for now.
Ah'm just gonna say that those jeans have gotta be HIGH. I tried the low rider version and they are high waisted compared to what I'm used to. At least if you make them yourself you can determine the rise to suit.