Friday, June 10, 2011

Practical sewing?

Why of course Adele needs a red cape!
My husband dared to question what I sew. "That's nice, but does she really need a cape?"

The nerve!
I made this for Adele earlier this week. It is based on a design in the Oliver & S Little Things To Sew book, but I significantly reduced the size to fit my little one.
I made this with some lovely bright, cherry red wool that I picked up from the op-shop for a few dollars and some aqua quilting cotton that was on sale at Spotlight. Next time I might trim the lining a little shorter as it does peep out a bit around the hood. I also need to pick up a button that matches, but that involves a trip to Spotlight, which I can't be bothered doing right now.
She definitely needed this!

I also just wanted to say thanks for your comments yesterday about the grumpy old troll that lives next door to my house. Things got a little worse yesterday afternoon when he tried to pick a fight with my husband. He was horrible and called both Dave and I nasty words that start with 'B' with a horrible word that rhymes with ducking in front. All we can do is ignore and move on. The good news is that he is in his mid or late 80's, so we'll probably out live him, then we'll have peace.

Happy Friday!

PS - I sewed the buttons on my version of Vogue 8028 last night and it's awesome! Hopefully I'll be able to take some pics today when the kids nap.


  1. So sweet!
    PS Your linky thing from o+s is not working.

  2. Gorgeous cape on gorgeous girl. I made a hot pink cape for Clare a couple of years ago and she wears it frequently - so let your husband know that capes are very practical and last for ages.
    Commiserations on the neighbours (we had issues with ours when we renovated but that's another story...)

  3. That is so cute! She definitely needed it :)

  4. Of course she needs a cape! How could someone that cute not need a cape?!

  5. Very sweet! How did you scale the pattern down? Did you just make it shorter, or did you adjust the hood and shoulders as well?

  6. Hi Belinda, I graded the pattern down by reducing the size of all pattern pieces by a few cms, till they looked like they would fit my little one. It wasn't very technical, but rather some guesswork that came good. Good luck


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