Sunday, March 9, 2014

How private is your blog?

I realize this question is a little silly given that blogs are clearly not private, but for my readers who are also sewing bloggers, I'm interested to know how many of your real life friends, know that you blog?

For me, only my immediate family, very close friends and sewing friends know that I have a blog. Most people that I know will eventually find out that I sew a more than most of the population because really, that is incredibly hard to hide. But there is a still a large majority of people in my life that have no idea that I blog: school mums (from my kids school), work colleagues, most friends and friends of friends, some that I've known for years and see regularly.

Clearly sewing and blogging is a big part of my life. I almost feel that I hide a secret alter ego (Betty - lol!) here on this blog and sometimes I feel like talking about it with new people, but always hesitate, worrying about the consequences of sharing this space with others.

I've become more worried about these real life friends finding my blog after a few slips with Instagram and Pinterest finding their way on to Facebook, which for me is exclusively real life friends, most that don't know that I blog.

So why do I worry about these people that I know, knowing that I blog?? Why don't I tell them? How bad can it be?

I guess as much as I hate to admit it, I do worry about what others will think of this obsession  hobby of mine. I realize it's not normal to sew as much as I do. I also realize that photographing myself and putting those photos on a blog can appear rather self absorbed, even narcissistic. I've even had one very good friend mention to me that she thinks the photos I blog are funny, as in odd - not 'ha ha'. It's hard to explain that my blog needs to be understood in the context of a sewing blog where this type of thing - the photos - are normal. I also realize that once the cats out of the bag, there's no way to go back. Tell one person and ten more will know.

So I guess I'm interested to find out whether other sewing bloggers tell their real life friends and colleagues about their blog or do you keep it on the down low like me? If they do know about your blog, what do they think? What do they say? Am I worried about nothing here or should I just keep my secret life secret?

Please tell me, how private is your blog?

And because every post needs a photo. Here's my latest attempt at getting a family photo.
Why can't they all just look at the camera and smile?? I may have to pay to get a good one this year.


  1. No, I don't tell people either. My thoughts mirror yours on this one! And I was upset when I found out that my hubby had told the in-laws about it.

  2. This strikes a chord - I think my husband knows I blog, and my kids kind of do, but no one else in 'real life'. I have never told my mother, and I dread her finding out (she thinks blogging is silly). While my RL friends know I sew, they don't know how much, and unless asked, I never offer that I am wearing handmade. Flickr is where I met my online sewing friends, and it remains mainly sewing related; I recently joined Instagram, but that is my space for RL family and friends.

  3. My mum, and sister know. So do my husband and one close friend, that is enough. It's strange enough telling my friends about other sewing friends...,"how do you know these people" when I mention an interesting story or oh my friend x is an x. I recently commented that I know a workplace lawyer. When they asked how I knew her, the reply from sewing, wasn't the answer they were looking for!
    Instagram will never be where I post my blog info - too many friends and family on there.

  4. Gorgeous family you have there. I started blogging for my sister years ago when we lived in different cities, and she was pretty much my only reader. She passed away 4 years ago and was very sick for a long time so my blogging sort of faded. Recently I am trying to get back into it. I think I'm going to try writing it as if I was writing to Bek my sister as this way I can feel like I'm still close to her. Anyways what I meant to say is I don't really care who knows I blog, sometimes I will even share a post on Facebook. I do however keep my work social media free. I love reading your sewing adventures.

  5. I've tried my hardest to keep my blog a secret from my coworkers and real-life friends, although it's next to impossible (I've had a mistake or two with stuff accidentally posting to Facebook, too). I feel super self-conscious when people I know in real life find my blog!

  6. Interesting post, I don't have a sewing blog and the public aspect is part of why I don't. I kind of figured anyone who did have a sewing blog, was unable to keep it separated from the rest of their life so I am happy to hear that this can be done as well as you have. I know exactly what you are talking about, I don't think your amount of sewing or interest in sharing it with the sewing community is unhealthy, but it only makes sense in a sewing context. I have primarily shared my sewing on flickr groups and I don't share those accounts with real life friends or family. I guess I never really thought through why that was but it is something I've felt slightly guilty about. However, sharing pictures which were really taken with an eye for garment detail with people who don't sew just doesn't make sense. I worry about the level of sewing detail I write up in the text, too. I've had friends who know I sew ask to see examples and I've shared my links. But I was pretty embarrassed to think of a non-sewer actually reading through everything (although I'm sure they wouldn't). So much of what I write is really just to log my work, mostly for my own reference but also for anyone else who might be using the pattern. After making an entire garment, one paragraph explaining fabrics, sizes and adjustments is really just a nice way to close out the project. But I really worried how hundreds of pictures each accompanied with dry details appear to non-sewing friends. Anyway, thanks for the post, it's good to know others feel similar and has clarified my thinking about all this a little. I hope you can continue to find a way to share your sewing without feeling uncomfortable.

  7. My family knows I blog and 1 or 2 close friends but that's it. I feel like so many people don't understand blogs or why someone would have one and they certainly don't get sewing blogs. One of my biggest concerns though is people judging the fact that there are pictures of my children on my public blog. I work with law enforcement a lot and I know that they would be horrified to find out that I do this. So let's just not tell them...

  8. Interesting question...I have not actively told many people that I blog - I don't make a new friend and say 'by the way, this is my blog', but I do post links to each of my blog posts on facebook, so anyone I'm friends with on there can see it if they want to. I often get quite a lot of hits to my blog through facebook (100 referrals in a day once!), and usually get quite a few comments/likes on the post on facebook as well, so I guess quite a few of them do read it. What has been really nice is that I've had a few people who I'm friends with on facebook from when we were at uni, but who I haven't really spoken to in years, send me messages telling me how much they enjoy reading my blog posts, and in one case, how my posts had inspired her to take up sewing again :) But I also agree with you that I do feel a lot more self-conscious when I know people I know in real life are looking at it - whenever I post a link to facebook, I usually post it without comment i.e. 'New post up on the blog: ' rather than saying 'Come look at the new dress I made!' One of my colleagues reads my blog (he has no interest in sewing but enjoys the posts), the others all know I sew, but don't read the blog (as far as I know!) I think it helps that all the feedback on my blog that I've had from real life friends has been positive - my parents read it and tell me that they think I have a good writing style. I guess, if people think it's weird, they're probably not the sort of people whose opinions I should be overly concerned about :)

  9. Yep, I feel the same way you do. I don't tell real life friends and coworkers, except for a few close ones. And I usually preface it with "I have blog, but it's extremely dorky...." I am a little self conscious of the fact that I post so many pictures of myself. I don't have any connection between my blog and facebook. I also think only people who sew truly understand the purpose for a sewing blog.

  10. this is an interesting topic. A lot of my friends have always been interested in what I sew, so I have told many people that I blog (and that it is filled with detailed sewing/technical info) mixed in with newsy posts. I fnd that most of my non-sewing friends are only mildly interested and don't seem to read regularly, so that is fine with me. The best thing about blogging is the opportunity to meet all kinds of new sewing friends :)

  11. frankly I do not have a blog. but I like to read them. Usually I read only blogs focused on craft or graphics. And your blog is nice and lovely.

    Venus Puzzle | jigsaw

  12. How funny that your husband tells people. My husband knows that I have a blog and sees me take photos, but I don't think he would know where to find it. Probably for the best though.

  13. I agree, the meeting of like minds so we don't feel odd about out hobby is the best part of blogging.

  14. Agreed, but I'd have to work up the courage to tell people first!

  15. And can you imagine if the parents at your school/my school found out?! I'd die! I imagine them trawling through talking about my typos or that I look fat or just plain daggy in the playground or something.... Give Jane a hug for me! She is adorable!

  16. Wow - you have made the leap! I'm glad Facebook sharing is working for you and how nice that its also putting you in contact with old friends. I might have to think about this.

  17. Your secret is safe with me. I also put photos of my kids on the blog and do worry about that, but clearly not enough to change my ways. :)

  18. Wow I thought your blog would be out there as you have so many more readers than I do. Glad also I'm not the only one with Facebook spills! Cheers

  19. Wow, it's interesting to read these comments and see how many other people don't promote their blogs in real life. I'm embarrassed by the photos and corny sense of humor on my blog, too, so I didn't really let my peers know about it for a long time. During Project Sewn I needed votes, so I finally solicited my Facebook friends and colleagues! My boyfriend has posted the clothes I've made him on his Facebook, too, which received a lot of love but also started a domino effect where suddenly everyone wanted me to sew their wedding dresses or hem their pants or replace the lining of their jackets, etc. Yuck.

  20. Most people I know realise that I have a sewing blog. I've been blogging for seven years now, so eventually it comes up in conversation. But other than my mother and those who are also fanatical about sewing, it is pretty rare that any of them read it. I don't feel judged about it though. It's just one of the things that i do, like school council, paid work, etc. One of the many facets of me. My husband reads it every now and then to know what I've been up to! Because I know that my Mum and some other family/friends read it, I do try to be mindful of what I say. Which is not too difficult when the focus is on sewing and crochet.

  21. I blog because my friends must be sick of me talking about sewing. I do post to my Facebook, but my friends list on Facebook isn't huge. I have a fiends who almost always introduce me as, "the one who sews." My blog is only a few months old, so I can still remain a little anonymous. It is odd when I am wearing something I posted about and someone starts discussing how I made it.

  22. I don't have a blog, just a flickr account, but when I started that I didn't tell anyone. I was waiting to see what it was all about and what I thought of it before I spilled the beans. Eventually I told one friend who lived interstate and was interested to see what I'd been making and she linked to it on Facebook. Then my family found out and they all thought it was pretty cool (because they're sewing dorks too) except for my sister in law who took great offense to the fact that I hadn't told her and hasn't spoken to me since; it's years later now. I guess this is a cautionary tale!

  23. I have two blogs, a food blog that I've had for over three years and now a sewing blog that is just new.

    All my friends & family know I blog and if they have a problem/issue with it that's their issue not mine. I started blogging as it actually seemed very social, and I've made a lot of new friends through both blogs. To me that's great...not odd at all. I've also learned a lot through following sewing bloggers so to me, their blogs are an important part of my sewing learning curve.

    The main thing for me was actually putting my photo on the web with the new sewing blog...that's a bigger deal than people knowing I have a blog, as I perceive the web as "not such a safe place".

  24. I'm pretty much the same as you. I feel embarrassed telling non sewing friends and colleagues that I blog. It's the bit about people thinking I am narcissistic or imagining I am a fashion model that others will enjoy looking at, when clearly I am not.

    My husband seems to tell all and sundry about the blog. He's proud of my sewing and a terrific support (in more ways than cooking for me!). People have said, to my husband, they think the blog is odd and me posting so many pictures of myself is funny/laughable. Non sewists just don't get it do they?

    How many of my real life friends know I have a blog? All the sewing ones do, but not many of the non-sewists, although husband is working on that....

  25. I keep my blog (mostly) separate from my non-sewing friends too. It started off as a "living in Japan" blog, so some of my friends and family knew about it then, but now that it's mostly sewing and craft I feel a bit strange about it because, like you say, it needs to be read in the context of sewing blogs and for someone who doesn't usually read that kind of thing it might seem like showing off. It's tricky if someone who doesn't know about the blog asks me for a recipe that I know I've posted because my first tendency is to be lazy and just send them the post link!

  26. Mine is very private, only my immediate family knows I sew and blog. Some of my closer friends know I sew, but I haven't told them about the blog because as much as I love them, I don't think they would get it. As you say, you have to read sewing blogs in the context of sewing blogs. If you aren't conversant in them, I can see they would seem odd.

  27. Alot of my friends and family know I have a blog but they wouldn't know how to find it. They mostly know because Michael told them - he's quite proud of my sewing. I do not tell my colleagues - and don't intend to. I want it to be private from my professional life. I guess it has become less private too in that some of my really close friends I have met through our sewing blogs. I am really glad about that - I would never have guessed I'd make life-long friends through a sewing blog!

  28. It seems like there's so many of us here who approach blogging in the same way! As none of my pre-blog friends sew, one of the reasons I started mine was to get in touch with people who understood what I was getting excited about, and who spoke the same language. So one of the reasons I don't broadcast my blog is that I don't really expect many people to be interested. I know that the people who do read my blog & have discovered it through flickr, comments, sewalongs, blog meetups etc are those who are genuinely interested.

    Also, while technically FB is more private that my blog, I find that my blog is actually more 'me' and a lot more personal. I'm happy (enough) for people to snoop around FB but I want the people who read my blog to be engaged and interested, not just nosey. You know those people who are interested in knowing ABOUT you, but not actually KNOWING you? My blog's not for them!

    Like you I had a couple of FB slips so I've since removed those links. And none of my other friends know my user name on Instagram so I should be safe there for now!

    So interesting reading everyone's thoughts!

  29. With the blog, the family know, some friends know and when we travel I include a few meet ups.
    My sewing is treated as a bit of fun in polite conversation.
    My mum with dementia still knows me as the one who sews and that's plenty for me to deal with.

  30. I am very open with what I do. I know most people think I am a weirdo anyway, so I might as well flaunt it

  31. I think it is wise not to tell colleagues, but I do find this hard as there is pocket of very interested colleagues who often ask about my sewing... Agree about making friends!

  32. Haha, stop it, you making me blush :))

  33. I'm quite surprised at how proud many husbands are of blogging/sewing. Mine really doesn't care, but at least he offers me time in support of my hobby. Thanks

  34. Yes the whole unsafe thing gets me at times too. At least I'm not the only one posting photos!

  35. Oh I know what you mean about people making a fuss over what you've made. It's so embarrassing!

  36. Ha ha! I might tell everyone but the people likely to be offended and never talk to me again! Thanks for the advice!

  37. I have a dress sitting here from a work colleague who wants it fixed. It's been months now. I wonder if she even remembers?? I agree that is another down side to letting the cat out of the bag!

  38. I agree, it is part of us and really it's not likely that everyone will continue to read it. It must be incredibly boring content for non-sewers.

  39. This is such an interesting post. I think about this a lot, because I think I'm rather unusual. NONE of my friends or family have read my blog, most would not know about it, all know that I sew/knit. Why? I feel like my blog is a place I can be truly myself, sometimes warts and all (thinking stories re retrenchment and depression). I also think taking and publishing photos of oneself on the web seems extremely narcissistic and those not involved in the blogging community would struggle to understand how much guts it takes to actually publish a shot of yourself, but that it's totally acceptable to "us", indeed necessary.

    I don't know I just like to keep it to "myself" (and those with common interests!).

  40. "I blog because my friends must be sick of me talking about sewing" - so true! I blog so I've got a record of my makes, and to join in with the making community. I haven't really told any family/friends because I don't think they'd understand most of what I blog!!

  41. What a great thought-provoking post Christy. I'm like you in that only close friends and family know about my blog. I'm very careful not to post any blog stuff to my personal Facebook account but it can only be a matter of time before I mess up :)

  42. I was a total closet blogger until last year (fitting, given my blog name). I was just getting so proud of some of my makes that I would share from time to time on Facebook or Instagram. My coming-out, as it were. I felt the same way you did initially (This is going to seem vain and weird to the people in my life that I take so many photos of myself...) But it's such a huge part of my life now that I've turned it into a business that it seems silly to hide it. Everyone is very supportive and think its cool that I sew, and being "out" about it has encouraged people in my circle to learn! How cool is that?! The weirdest moment for me was going out for breakfast one morning with my bf and running into a few acquaintances I hadn't seen in a while, both of whom were like "Oh we're caught up on your life, we read your blog". HUH? REALLY? Later that SAME day I went to a Christmas party and introduced myself to someone who told me "I know you! I read your blog". WEIRDEST DAY OF MY LIFE.

  43. hmm, not too many but sometimes more than I'd like. Not because I'm embarrassed about the sewing pics - although that would be a good reason when you think about some of the really bad ones LOL, but because some posts are just too 'me'. Things I may want to say but not to have a conversation. Sometimes I just may want to vent. Sometimes just feelings to get out, knowing that some of my readers will 'get it' but family may not. Now that real-life people know, it's no longer just my place, I need to think about what I can post and how it might come across to friends and family.

  44. I'm totally the same as you Christy!! A secret blogger. I only tell people who are really interested in sewing that I have a sewing blog. My family knows and they're probably the worst at telling everyone else. My mum takes her iPad to show everyone my blog posts! Thankfully it's mainly my grandmother but who knows who else she tells. I have separate facebook and instagram accounts for personal and blogging reasons. I don't use my last name but I've got a pretty unique first name. I've also recently stopped posting photos of my kids faces. I think they've got to an age where they should have privacy. I do get some weird looks when out and about, especially in Brunswick and at my son's new school. People look at me and smile, I'm not sure if I've got my dress stuck in my knickers or they recognise me from Sew Brunswick!! Hopefully the latter...

  45. So agree on the friends bit!! Who would have thought you'd meet people through blogging?? There's a difference between telling people you blog and telling them you sew. All my work colleagues know that I sew my own clothes. They often comment and say what a great garment it is. I then don't feel the need to tell them that I've blogged it.

  46. that's interesting! never even occurred to me that some people usually keep their blogs private :) i mean, if you're putting your pics on the internets, they stop being private the moment you upload them, so i guess when my first blog post was out, that was it! i actually remember texting bunch of family members and frends, telling them i have a blog, and the thing is that most people do not really care! i guess 95% of them visited after i texted them, but only once, to see what it is, and that was it.. non sewing people don't really give a shit about our sewing chit chats and pics, it's boring to them! on the other hand, i'm really proud of my makes, and my photography, and even my (sometimes too personal) chit chats, and i wouldn't really mind anyone checking them out (my coworkeers, boss and high school frenemies included), but the bottom line is that majority of irl people are really not that interested in our sewing personas :)

  47. I knew this would spark an interesting conversation! Most people I know are not interested in sewing so when I post the link on FB very few people actually check it out. But i'm out there, so if you want to find me, you can, which makes me think I may have a couple of old boyfriends stalking me! When someone shows interest, I will own up to having a "small blog" and whip out a card I especially had made for it, which is not very discreet now is it? I'm proud of my sewing and I love that you guys come visit and share stuff with me, there is nothing like like-minded friends.


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