Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Creative Space - little things to sew

I'm just gagging over how adorable this book is.
I'm a MASSIVE 'Oliver & S' fan and when I heard they were releasing a book, I headed over to The Book Depository and pre-ordered a copy for just $22. I've been waiting and waiting for it to arrive. That's probably the only down side to ordering from the Book Depository. It takes about 2 weeks to receive your book from when it's shipped - boo!
This book is just so, super sweet! I'll definitely be making Adele a red cape, though I will need to re size the pattern quite a bit.
I'm also pretty sure the boys will get little hats with ears...
And I really need a laptop bag for school, so may look into this cute satchel.
I'm just dying to make a tutu for Adele too! There's also a super cute vest for little boys that I'm thinking will happen for the boys.

Even if I don't actually use this book, it's just so beautiful to look at.

For more creative spaces, with people actually being creative, not just thinking about being creative, you know where to go....

I can't believe I'm one of the first posts on My Creative Space and I haven't got anything truely creative to show you - just this babble post. Check back in my posts for more real creativity, well if you're interested anyway.


  1. I have been drooling over this book too, looks fantastic. Happy sewing :)

  2. Looks like a great book - looking forward to seeing some of your creations

  3. Oh I can see why you're gagging. That's one adorable book. The photos look so inspiring. It's a shame I can't sew to save myself... I'll have to leave it to you. Can't wait to see what you make. Pruxxx

  4. it looks gorgeous. i think it may be another one to add to the collection

  5. That book sure looks inspiring. Your machine seems set for a work out…

  6. I've been wanting this book so bad. Will have to buy it online too as I cant find any shops stocking it at the moment!

  7. Oh books like that and blogs like this make me wish I sewed more! Think it's time to add some sewing to my 'To Do' list!

  8. I want to upsize that cape to adults! It's book like that that make me wish I had someone little to sew for. Have fun.

  9. So cool! What a really lovely book. I think I might check this out for me. I like that cape too... hmmmm

  10. What a lovely little book. Will have to put this one on the list. Can't wait to see your projects.

  11. That book looks so wonderful. I hadn't heard of it and I will definitely be ordering one.

  12. Thinking is the first and most important part of creativity, good for you.


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