Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Creative Space - keepin' it real

Sometimes good sewing projects turn bad and this is one.

I attempted to make my second Boden inspired t-shirt dress last night, but appear to have failed miserably. My sizing is waaaay off! Seriously, I would probably have only worn a dress this tight when I was about 17, not after three kids!
It really does look better in the photos, than in real life!

I can't really move my arms....
And I am sucking my tummy in here to look a little less..... bumpy.

Thankfully, I've managed to swing a little 'me' time this morning. Hopefully, my next creation will be more wearable.

For more creative peeps, who are probably enjoying more success than me, you know where to go....


  1. I don't looks pretty good in those pictures :)

  2. Sorry Muffin. I know exactly what you mean. Someone else might think it looks OK, but if you're not comfortable than it's done. Do you know anyone skinnier than you who might wear it (hahahahahha!) or someone without moveable arms?

  3. You look great, but if you're not comfortable then that's the end of that. And I HATE that 'can't bend my arms properly' feeling. It's a cute look though, so don't give up!! x

  4. oh i wonder if it's fixable?? cos it's looking really good in the pic's, but if you can't move your arms, that's a bit of a bummer - don't worry, i'm sure this set back wont have you away from your machine for long ;-))

  5. I hate it when that happens! Maybe just shorten the sleeves, and keep it as a at home dress.

  6. That's a shame because it looks really good on you!

  7. I agree it looks good in the pics, but if you're not comfortable in it you'll not enjoy wearing it. Have to scratch it down as a learning experience.

  8. It looks good and your definately skinny enough to pull it off, but lack of arm movement is a bit of a prob. I love that stripe!


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