Friday, February 11, 2011

Three is the new two

If I got a dollar for every time that someone told me "three is the new two", then I'd be a millionaire. OK, so that's a slight exaggeration, but I could probably shout the family take-out or buy a couple of bottles of plonk or something.
I'm not used to being fashionable.
To me, having three kids means that even if one kid moves interstate, or overseas, or is a dud, that you will still have two children to keep you company when you get older.

I have a couple of friends currently expecting their third child. And a few more still decided whether they'll have a third.

I hope they do.

Note: I should say that I know some people don't get to decide how many kids they have or choose for their own reasons to have a different number of kids (or no kids). This is all cool. I'm just blabbing a little about myself here and taking the oppotunity to post a few pics of the kids looking cute on the lounge this morning.


  1. I'm glad I'm fashionable too! I like you're outlook on the dud, what if they're all duds though?

  2. we are stopping with two. i kinda wish we would have a third but i don't think my body could handle a third...

  3. I always wanted 3 too but sometimes these decisions are out of your hands arent they! I am happy with my 2!

  4. gee they are super cute! You forgot to add sometimes husbands decide for their wives...

  5. I always wanted 4 & zoomed from 1 to 3 with twins, so yippee, we were definitely having 4 as my husband came from a family of 3 & they had a 'middle child', yes, it's true, middle children & all their issues exist, i have a psych degree & studied it!!
    Anyway, i love 4 & now my youngest is 7, it's suddenly very hip to have 4 'a large family' - like Jamie Oliver, David Beckham etc, i think whatever you desire, can handle & if you're lucky enough to get it. I don't judge anyone what they have, you don't know their story, you're exactly right!! After 4 i wanted 6 but with a husband constantly away, it would have been silly & kind of glad he had the vasectemy or i would have begged for another set of twins. I'm made for getting pregnant, staying pregnant, giving birth & raising babies. Now we're at high school, that is the business end i assure you, but i'm loving it!! Love Posie


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