Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Things I'm loving....

This awesome bag from Vahallan Brooklan on Etsy. 
I'll need to save a little more money in my playpal account to get this baby....

This super cool dress from Boden.
Thankfully, I can probably attempt this one without playpal. I have some stretch on hand and am researching how to sew.

This cool pattern that my sister gave me.
I have some lovely, light voile lined up ready to go...

I spied this super awesome top at Dragstar, last time I sold a bunch of bonnets to Shorties.
It's just Divine in real life. Made with a lovely vibrant, red, drapey silk. Just slightly out of my budget though.... maybe I can fudge one up myself in less posh fabric.

This dress is also so lovely too! Again completely out of budget - it's from Anthropologie, but surely I can knock something up with the same vibe....

1 comment:

  1. A great love list!
    I love the stripey dress the mostest.
    I wanna stripey dress too.


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