Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Creative Space - Simplicity 5500

In my space today, we have another finished garment for me. I first mentioned this project earlier this month. While I do need a few more summer items for my wardrobe, this cami was made to re-use the fabric from a blouse that did not work - boo!!

This pattern is old, like OLD! I think I bought it about 10 years ago (I might be exaggerating a little), back when I didn't really know how to sew, aside from hemming curtains. I did cut the pattern (OOP Simplicity 5500), and I think I may have cut some fabric at some point, but never made a garment.

As this cami buttons at the back, I was able to use a small remnant of this lovely vibrant Anna Maria Horner voile to make this. In the end,I didn't even cut into the failed Alexander Blouse.
I think it's quite sweet, but there are a few problems that I'm hoping to fix when it comes out of the wash. I twisted one of the shoulder straps (doh!) and cut the shoulder straps just slightly too short! I'm not sure I can fix the strap length, but as they are a little too short I seem to pull this top down quite a bit making the facing  pop out. So, I plan to un-twist the strap, try to lengthen the straps, even by a little, and will top stitch the garment. Even if I can't lengthen the straps, they should 'give' a bit with wear.
I quite like the buttons on the back, but they are not easy to do up.
I'm getting my machines serviced next week while I'm on holidays. I have just a few more items to finish before then, but I have to work in my new job tonight. I might have to pull an 'all-nighter' on Friday night.

For more Creative Spaces, head over to Kirsty's...


  1. that's lovely, I like the buttons on the back too!

  2. The top looks great and the fabric was a good choice too! Well done!

  3. Looks lovely ~ love the fabris choice too!

  4. Its gorgeous, cool fabric and I love the straight top and buttons.

  5. lovely top, wouldn't suite me but looks great on you.

  6. That's a lovely top - I love AMH voile.

  7. Looks great on you! Hopefully you can fix the little problems and have fun wearing it!!


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