Saturday, December 11, 2010

On the go baby!

Frans wonderful tutorial for "On the go art satchels" is getting a massive workout in the little betty house at the moment.

If you have kids and own a sewing machine, you'd have to be nuts not to make one of these. Both of my boys have one kept under the pram and used every time we go out to dinner.

Modifications that I now make to this pattern include:
 - Using strapping for the handles - I picked this up for 50c per meter from a discount fabric shop
 - Home decorator fabric on inside to avoid interfacing
 - Add 1 inch to the length of the bag inner and outer, which gives a little more room for pencils.
 - I also make the outer of denim, so that if hubby or I need to carry them in public they are a little more discreet. The kids generally get a kick out of carrying them themselves though.
These ones, pictured on our art cable (notice how much sticker art there is?) are off to good homes soon. Not only is December busy because of Christmas, but we also have a bunch of kiddie birthday parties to attend. So if you're in my mothers group and are having a party soon, you can probably guess what you're getting now.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea...maybe for me next year as my to do list is already way too long..Thanks for sharing.


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