Sunday, December 5, 2010

Keep Calm and Sew On

There's been a bit of a sewing frenzy in this house of late, but unfortunately I have no new dresses or outfits to show for it. You see, I've been making quite a stash of bonnets to sell before Christmas. I'm trying to make them all in one hit before I embark on any further personal sewing and boy is there a lot on my 'to do' list at the moment - new dress, skirt, boys shorts, Xmas pressies!
Warning: bad photography ahead!!

These are some of the new bonnets that I've pulled together and there are more to come.
 Above is one side and below is the opposite side for each bonnet.
I'm so happy with these new fabric combinations. I love hearing the great feedback from those who've  purchased one and I'm finding most people want more than one for their little sweetie.
I really feel that the photography really lets down my product. Maybe that'll be a new years resolution - to pick up some better photography skills.
Please let me know if you think you want one of the pictured bonnets, as I'm hoping a bunch will be leaving me this week.

Hopefully I'll post more tomorrow. That is, if I can steal any more sewing time tonight.

BTW - I know the 'Keep Calm' thing has been around for a while and is probably passe, but I just love this little print. It's makes me laugh. It was purchased recently from Nan Lawson on Etsy.

1 comment:

  1. The bonnets are just divine. When I have a huge task in front of me, I channel Dory "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming". I love the print also and if it helps you get through your pile of to do's, it's worth every penny! Have a great weekend. Trace


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