Friday, November 19, 2010

My Messy Room

If you're one of those peeps who like to try on goods before committing to a purchase, then I have great news for you. My Messy Room, the super cool kiddie shop in Summer Hill  is now stocking little betty bonnets!
 Here are my sweet little bonnets lined up in the window. How cool!!
There are also a few new bonnet styles listed in my shop, including my new favourite bonnet below.
I'm also now listing my bonnets in my shop without the help of my little model here. It's just getting too hard to photograph every bonnet on her little squirmy head. Hopefully people will still get the idea of what they look like when listed like this.

Happy Friday all!


  1. There is absolutely NO WAY I could walk past that beautiful window display. I used to live in Stanmore and loved walking up to Summer Hill with the babes in the Big Rig double wide pram. Great workout! These days I'm sadly too far away. Thank goodness for online shopping! x

  2. Congratulations!! That is awesome news!!!! And they look sooooo beautiful!! Woooohooo!!

  3. I love the shot of all your bonnets lined up in the shop window! Too cute! xo

  4. That is fantastic! Congratulations!!

  5. Oh congratulations!! My husband is a Summer Hill boy so i've been into that store while visiting relatives. Shame it's way too small for my 4 now, but i'll swing by when i'm up there is 3 weeks, i can say to the children "i know that blogger on line" which they find a bit creepy as they don't quite get why we don't all know each other in the playground like they meet their friends, the normal way!! Love Posie

  6. They look great in the window, I'll have to do a drive by to see them in person!

  7. Thank you for supplying me, they are the perfect fit for our store and they are doing really well already!! xx


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