Friday, November 12, 2010

The 'bad mum' cake

Ollie turned 4 yesterday and I didn't make him a cake. I'm not saying that to make you think that I'm trying to be some Martha Stewart, super home maker and do gooder, but that I love making cake and always make cakes. It's what I do. Ask my friends and you'll find I'm quite well known for my cake making. Nothing too fancy, just simple soft butter cake with lots and lots of super sweet butter cream icing - yum!!!
Anywho, we got solar panels in yesterday and I was worried about my power being turned off, so didn't cook the boy a cake. Instead I fudged the best 'bad mum' cake ever! It's takes no more than 2 mins to make and I literally made it up after dinner and we ate it straight away.

You want the recipe?? of course you do. Here it is:

Scoop 5 big scoops of cheap Neapolitan ice cream into a cereal bowl - we use Aldi brand ice cream in this house, being on a budget and all... Lay a piece of cling film over the top and squish the ice cream into the bowl. Take a clean plate and turn the ice cream mound onto the plate. Top with any random items in your pantry that your child likes. I used Milo, sprinkles and a  few random old lollies.

The result? Happy birthday boy, enjoying a cool sweet treat!
He even bragged to his grandpa about his great ice cream cake with chocolate and sprinkles!


  1. Bet this is the cake he'll remember most! Fantastic idea! Happy Birthday to big boy Ollie!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing... this is such a great idea.


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