Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kids Clothes Week - the round up

Well, Kids Clothes Week didn't quite finish on the same note that it began on. While I did achieve some progress in the first few days, other priorities took over during the last few. You see I had to make myself a dress to wear to a friend's Hens day on Saturday, but when that frock turned out to be a disaster, I had to make another! Then the last two days of Kids Clothes Week were consumed  by attending the Hens and then suffering the consequences the next day. Aparently someone spiked my drink with wine!!

So the results from Kids Clothes Week (or half week in my case) include:
  • a half made Oliver & S Birthday Party frock,
  • two pairs of very, very simple boys shorts,
  • a finished Oliver & S Bubble dress
  • a sunsuit
  • a skirt and bloomers combo and
  • a half finished sunsuit

Seems pretty dismal to me!

I'll pull the two dresses out later today and iron them to document the massive failure and huge suceess of my own frock sewing from last week. Stay tuned - I'll be back tomorrow....


  1. Quality not quantity, gorgeous fabrics & the children are loving them!! That's awesome work, love Posie

  2. You did amazing. I managed to finish one skirt and applique one bought top. I particylarly love the sunsuit/rompers in the last photo - they are a-freakin-dorable!!

  3. ...but what you did achieve to sew looks great and lovely fabric choices.


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