Friday, August 27, 2010

The nursery is finally finished.

Tiny Adele is now 10 months old, which is very hard for me to believe. Thankfully, I've just finished her nursery! ha!

The last item needed was a wardrobe. It's so disheartening making lovely clothes for your little one, only to witness husband rolling them into balls (his way of folding) and shoving them into over stuffed draws.

Thanks to some Ebay trading I managed to snap up this adorable wardrobe for the little one. It was already painted white, which saves me a lots of time refurbing one myself and I love, love, love the sweet queen anne feet.

Now that the wardrobe is in place a few other things have been moved around, like her cot.
I made the quilt hanging on the back on the cot. It was my first attempt at applique and I used a pattern which was on the Living Creatively website (which no longer appears to exist). The quilt on the base of cot was made by mum, it's a girl version of one of the quilts from the first Material Obsession book, the one with the monkeys on it. The softie in the corner of the cot was a gift from the very talented Rachel.

To complete the tour here's little Adele dressser.
This was actually my dresser from when I was growing up. I think mum and dad picked it up off the side of the road. My older sister and I used to share it, we each had one big draw and one small one - tough times!! I refurbed the chair while pregnant with Adele and also made the crochet hexagon granny blanket hanging over the back of it.

Here's the new wardrobe with some of her little things inside.

So much more space to fill though. Clearly I NEED to keep sewing for her...


  1. It looks so peaceful and nuturing. You've done a fantastic job. I would love to sleep there myself!! x

  2. Nice wall colour too! We're considering a repaint for Corin, maybe a light green. I hope my nursery will be done by the time Corin is 10 months old too!


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