Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Creative Space...

I wanted todays post to be a big reveal of my new dress, but alas, it is not.

You see I didn't follow the instructions when attaching the facing of the dress and serged the facing edge to finish it. Unfortunately this created a little too much bulk when stitching it down. So I spent last night unpicking the serged edge. Which, if you've ever unpicked a serged (overlocked) seam you'll know, is super fiddly and super time consuming work.

Here's the couch, or my creative space from last night. A dress in need of some attention, my much loved seam ripper (NOT!!) and a large pile of black thread.

Hopefully today I'll get a moment to press the facing and stitch it down, then I just need to hem it and I'll be done. Unfotunately the smallest member of the family is still sick, so all of this will depend on her state.

For more creative spaces, head over to Kirsty's.


  1. ohhh.....good luck with your unpicking! Thats my worst job ever! Your dress looks like its going to be lovely though xx

  2. Oh - I had to spend yesterday unpicking a serged seam too, very very annoying!! Hope you have a chance to get it finished :-)

  3. Unpicking sux! I love the colours and shapes in the top piece, very Sonia Delaunay (French artist early 20th century). Will be awesome when its done.

  4. Don't you hate it when you don't read instructions will be worth it when it is done. Thanks for visiting my space.

  5. I am sure the all unpicking work will be all worth it once your beautiful dress will be done :)

  6. good luck with the unpicking, fixing and the sickness. hope the wee one is well soon

  7. Mmmmmm - I have a hate/hate relationship with my "quick" unpick too! Good luck!

  8. hope your little one is well and that you were able to finish the dress...

  9. I'm loving the fabric that I can see and the neckline of the dress is to-die-for (to dye for? groan!). I stumbled over here from Kootoyoo and I'm following you to see how it all turns out. I love your blog!

  10. Oh I hope it is recovered soon..Sure to be stunning!

  11. Oh no! I hope the unpicking doesn't doesn't take you too much more time, it's no fun at all. And you little one gets better soon.

  12. Oh, I would have sworn. But well done for not 'settling' and taking the long road to success. Love your Anna Maria Horner fabric choice (am I right?)And hope your smallest gets better soon. It could be a long day!

  13. Oh no! But the dress looks pretty - good luck!

  14. a familiar story. our couch can rarely be seen under the pile of discarded thread. good luck with the finished product

  15. Gotta hate unpicking. Hope littlely is better soon

  16. Oh no! I have done quite a bit of overlocker unpicking and it is very irritating. I hope you've done it all now and can get on with the fun part, wearing it.

  17. unpicking suck's i feel for you.... good luck and looking forward to seeing the end result


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